Rules & Regulations

1. Only groups, organizations and units who have submitted a written application, who have received approval from the Parade Committee, and who have paid the entry fee of $50 as indicated on the application will be allowed to enter the parade.

2. NO RAIN DATE WILL BE SCHEDULED, therefore the parade will be held “rain or shine” on the scheduled date. Entry fees are not refundable.

3. Line-up will begin at 1:30 pm with the parade starting at 3:00 pm.

4. Spacing: Spacing between entries will be no more than 50 feet. This means that once the parade starts your entry should be no more than 50 feet behind the one in front of you.

5. Music: IMPORTANT—participants that plan to have music as part of their entry MUST DISCLOSE that fact on their entry form or your music will not be allowed at parade time. This information affects the line-up order.

6. Professional Floats: Professional floats are available. Those desiring to sponsor one of these floats, on a first come, first serve basis, should call 378-6350 for more information. (There is an additional fee)

7. Non-Professional Floats: You may enter more than one float; however, all non-professional floats must be at least 75% decorated and portray the holiday theme. No advertising other than the organization’s name will be allowed. Floats may be either drawn by motorized vehicle or pulled manually.

8. Standard Automobiles: The type of standard automobiles (or trucks) allowed will be to transport beauty queens, and city, county or state officials.

9. Antique/Classic/Custom Cars: Any number may enter; however, the Parade Committee reserves the right to limit the total number of these entries due to the length of parade. NO “FOR SALE” SIGNS MAY BE PLACED ON THESE CARS, AND NO LOUD SPEAKER SYSTEMS MAY BE USED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PARADE COMMITTEE.

10. NO political signs are to be displayed on any parade entry.

11. Boys Scouts/Girl Scouts/School Patrols: All scout troops/school patrols may enter. Each category must march as a unit, and each group must enter separately. Note—Marching groups that include small children or persons who cannot keep up with the normal speed of the parade or who may not have sufficient endurance, are requested to arrange for suitable transportation and should be noted on parade application. ENTRY FORM MUST STATE MARCHING GROUP AND/OR VEHICLE.

12. Bands: The first eight qualifying bands will be entered.

13. Two-Wheeled Vehicles: BY INVITATION ONLY

14. Majorettes: Majorettes may enter and should march with their school band or provide their own music.

15. Clowns: Any number may enter but must be in clown costume.

16. Unusual or novel entries: Any request for entry in this category will be decided for compatibility and suitability for the holiday theme of the parade by the Parade Committee.

17. There will be only one Santa Claus in the parade and is selected by the Parade Committee.

18. VERY IMPORTANT—Candy, prizes or objects WILL NOT BE THROWN by or from any participant of the parade into the street or crowd as this could create an accident. Please make sure this is obeyed. You may walk behind, in front of, or beside of your entry and pass out coupons, newspapers or treats. IF THIS RULE IS NOT OBEYED, ANY PARADE OFFICIAL WILL BE AUTHORIZED TO PULL YOUR ENTRY OUT OF THE PARADE AT ANY POINT ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE.

19. Problems or questions which may occur will be resolved by the Parade Committee. The decision of the Parade Committee is final in all instances.

20. Any entry that does not appear in the parade without notification to the Parade Manager, prior to the lineup time, excluding unforeseen difficulties, will not be allowed to enter the parade in the future.

21. As entries approach the starting point of the parade, the Parade Committee has the right to refuse any entry that does not meet the minimum standard of qualifications as projected by the “Rules and Regulations”.

22. A panel of judges will select a first-place winner and award a plaque in seven categories: Bands, Majorettes, Marching Groups, Dance Groups, Non-Professional Floats, Non-Professional Floats with religious theme and Manager’s Choice.

23. Only a limited number of commercial entries will be accepted by the Parade Committee this year and will be chosen according to detailed description or photo submitted with application.

24. I/We certify the driver of any vehicle in our entry has a valid driver's license, insurance and registration and is over 21 years of age. 

KEEP YOUR “RULES AND REGULATIONS” IN A SAFE PLACE! Rules & Regulations should be reviewed by each member of your group participating in the Parade. REMEMBER---NO RAIN DATE IS SCHEDULED AND APPLICATION FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE.